Lake Leisure Resort w Anuradhapura

Sri LankaLake Leisure Resort


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Lake Leisure Road, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura, LK Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 254 934 834
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 8.338683, Longitude: 80.4477504

komentarze 5

  • en

    prdeep nandana


    Best place in anuradhapura

  • Kavi Chiranga

    Kavi Chiranga


    over role the pace is calm and quiet. but still rooms are not clean, tidy and small. need more attention on the sanitary side. also the pool is not clean where you can find different types of small insects along with frogs(even after we said that there are insects in the pool he replied us saying that as this is a resort insects is visible. and also although we were with our swimming suits we were blamed and then we saw a man with a sarong in the pool.) has a problem in water consumption. morning breakfast seemed quiet fine and the resort staff is not that friendly(bold-headed man) where the gardener and the waiter was fine. although it is mentioned that WiFi is available it was not.

  • Nadhana Moonesinghe

    Nadhana Moonesinghe


    Very isolated place not a luxury destination but good. Rooms are comfortable. Have a big garden for warking and a pool too. The resort is not crowded. Facilities are not much. Restaurant menus are not much.

  • Kosala Kapukotuwa

    Kosala Kapukotuwa


    Great place to stay in Anuradhapura.Friendly staff.Delicious food.Rooms in the upper floor has good view.Lighting inside the room is very poor.Very small bathroom.

  • en

    Amila Mettananda


    Leisurely getaway at an affordable price...

najbliższy Kwatera

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