Star Granite Pvt Ltd w Western Province

Sri LankaStar Granite Pvt Ltd


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

B111, Gampaha, Western Province, LK Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 112 295 044
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 7.1806443, Longitude: 79.9592793

komentarze 5

  • Thilan .Rupasinghe

    Thilan .Rupasinghe


    They have best granite collection but bit issues with customer caring

  • Bhanuka Liyanaarachchi

    Bhanuka Liyanaarachchi


  • en

    Nuwan Gunawardana Gunawardana


  • en

    Michelle Dooley


    Buying from this company was probably one of the worst experiences as a consumer. We asked for Indian slate and were told there was none available. Walking around the showroom, we found two stacks of slate and pointed them out to the salesman. The salesman acted unsurprised and told us the price. We asked for additional product and was told he would have to 'check' with Colombo. Colombo then said no, they couldn't get anymore. We asked to buy what was available, and the salesman said fine, but no discount even though there were only metres there. When we went through and counted the tiles 'ourselves' with the salesman watching, we found a number of smaller pieces (not halves, or even quarters) which we asked if we could take as they could be used for smaller areas. We were told we would need to pay per piece, and it would be at the full rate... We obviously declined, then asked if they had boxes or paper to wrap the slate in - both of which they did not. We then carried the product ourselves to the car. They did not accept credit cards and were incredibly rude. This showroom was in Busa (GAlle), but the Colombo showroom was just as rude and unhelpful. I RECOMMEND NOT BUYING HERE.

  • en

    Namo Amerasinghe


    good service, all the best

najbliższy Punkt zainteresowania

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