Ak Ristoro w Ella

Sri LankaAk Ristoro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

37, Passara Road, Ella, Badulla, LK Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 572 050 676
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 6.8732045, Longitude: 81.0527368

komentarze 5

  • Doreen Ang

    Doreen Ang


    Fantastic Arrabiata pasta but the creamy mushroom pasta is a bit runny (expected it to be more creamy). Banana fritters was a bit too sweet for my taste but it's a solid dessert. Wonderful service, very nice ambiance.

  • en

    Emma Mccormick


    I ate here twice during my stay at Ella as it was just down the road from my hotel. The food and ambience were great and the staff were friendly and knew the menu well. The pasta was really nice, as were the sandwiches (the portion of this is huge) and the drinks. I think the decor of the restaurant is the nicest I have seen in Sri Lanka. This restaurant really deserves the great feedback it gets. It’s on the road towards little Adams Peak/98 acres and was fairly quiet during lunch when I was there both times, so worth a stop off. It seemed a bit busier in the evenings and they had some music playing when I was walking past.

  • en

    Kathy Hudson


    Really great food! Just a little off the main drag and definitely worth the extra walk. Great pasta choices. Probably the best restaurant in Ella!

  • Ian Corrigan

    Ian Corrigan


    Good pasta (for Sri Lanka) at reasonable prices. They serve other dishes as well - tapas starters. The drinks menu is good. It's a bit out of the way from the main street in Ella. The staff were very friendly and attentive. Good for a special occasion too.

  • Lindsay Darling

    Lindsay Darling


    We enjoyed two meals here. The staff are friendly and attentive. The ambience and decor is really charming. Pasta was delicious and we also really liked the tapas. Highly recommended, especially over other restaurants on the main strip.

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