Algama Water Fall i Algama

Sri LankaAlgama Water Fall


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Algama, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 7.153283, Longitude: 80.1744733

kommentar 5

  • සඳමාලි වළකුඹූර

    සඳමාලි වළකුඹූර


    Another awesome creation of mother nature. Good for a day out. But remember don't polute the environment.

  • Sasanda Gayan

    Sasanda Gayan


    Not a waterfall but a very cool place with a natural beauty. Famous among the boys as a place to have a drink. But they’ve ruined the place with smashed bottles, polythene, etc. can’t go there by cars or low vehicles. Recommend to use four wheel drive vehicles and bikes. Visit there, have fun but please don’t ruin the place.

  • Isuru Lakshitha

    Isuru Lakshitha


    Hard to go but when you reach the place its very nice calm and quite place.good for season. dry season water level is not so good

  • Sidath Sanjeewa

    Sidath Sanjeewa


    This is not a waterfall. Just a place to bath at stream. But it's a nice place. Some bastards smashed bottles everywhere and be careful.

  • en

    Derosh Diconing


    Superb place for hang out with friends. Water is clean and nice. Most of peoples were hangout here is getting drunk and smash their liquor bottles. Not suitable for children's and ladies.

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