Aradhana River Park Hotel en Hikkaduwa

Sri LankaAradhana River Park Hotel


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Baddegama Road, Hikkaduwa, Galle, LK Sri Lanka
contactos teléfono: +94 912 276 906
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Latitude: 6.1436526, Longitude: 80.1227549

comentarios 5

  • Udaya Herath

    Udaya Herath


    Hotel has a nice view and located in a nice location. Food it not good. I was there for a wedding. They arrange cutlery in a one hall and ask guests to have lunch in a separate hall which even guest couldn’t find even a napkin to wipe out. One to two waiters stand in the door like police men and ask guest to sit in other hall and have lunch. If they are not allowing guests to have lunch in the hall what is the purpose of arranging cutlery? Plates and other cutlery are not cleaned.

  • en

    Miuru Liyanage


    Owner doesn't know how to speak to customers.If you are going to have a wedding be sure to get everything in writing.Specialy the time of you will be getting the hall.Owner i dont know his name.He can change his word so quickly.He will talk friendly with customers untill the wedding day.My opinion is do not go to there unless you dont have another place.(Although Manager is a good person)

  • Samith Ravishana

    Samith Ravishana


    Nice place with nice and clear river view. Good food and service. Large parking area available. Lots of space for enjoy. Nice and calm place to stay or have a party with large crowd.

  • Pushpakumara Mahagamage

    Pushpakumara Mahagamage


    Nice place to have a party for quite big crowd. There is a lake besides the hall and there is some big huts over the water. Nice environment. Staff is also good.

  • Samith R Nanayakkara

    Samith R Nanayakkara


    Aradhana River Park Hotel is built around the Patana reservoir. A member of the Aradhana Hotel Network. It is created in a beautiful environment. The hotel is facing beautiful scenery. Especially for weddings, parties and get-togethers.The delicious food Aradhana has been raised. You can also apply for boat trips.

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