Choy's Waterfront Residence i Negombo

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Sri LankaChoy's Waterfront Residence



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Custom House Rd, 11500, Negombo, Gampaha, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 312 222 807
internet side:
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Latitude: 7.208527, Longitude: 79.835565

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rakitha Wijesinghe


    Good place with a good view!! But still they are developing because they are newly opened!!

  • Nethasha Vithana

    Nethasha Vithana


    Great food, reasonably priced, decent ambience. Nice spot for a family dinner.

  • demak negombo

    demak negombo


    One of the few main places in negombo town to get some good flavored food but so sad to say the service is very slow and not so good. most of the time it takes more than 30 minutes for a order to come. The food taste good though but there is a slight issue to that too... cooks keep changing and staff too so you don't get the same dish every time. well same dish yes but same taste and quality .. nope... the pastry shop out side is okay and food is good too but too many fly's. But compared to other places inside the town its a really good place. I go there knowing this so i don't waist time to complain since i already have a few times and nothing has changed. but when you have the time to wait for the food and going there prepared for what its like then there is no issue...

  • dineth de silva

    dineth de silva


    The food was okay but the service was bad. The food was late and when we ordered dessert, the ice cream was just a block of frozen ice...

  • tharaka perera

    tharaka perera


    The review is about their coffee shop and restaurant. This place is for the locals but many foreigners stop at the coffee shop to have a drink with a smoke. They have a bakery (coffee shop) and a complete restaurant with a bar serving the full range of liquor. There is a decent washroom in the coffee shop (out side) which can be very useful for a Traveller explaring the fishing village of Negombo. This is right Infront of the lagoon and the best place to observe the fishing culture.

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