Implant Dentistry i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaImplant Dentistry



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Hampden Lane, 10350, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 366 990
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.8751793, Longitude: 79.8657012

kommentar 5

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    Thuthikaran V


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    Nabith Shahid


    Had a filling done here. Was fast, efficient and concise. The lady doctor was nice.

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    Shifa Ishie


    Had to undergo a root filling and was petrified at the thought. Did not know where to go and after much research went to this clinic. I have no regrets. True to their name they are friendly and the doctor who attended to me Dr.Raga was so kind and thoughtful.I had no pain what so ever.At every turn she would ask me whether i had pain and she would give pain relief before going to the next step. Even the anaesthetic injection was painless because she would spray anaesthetic before giving the injection. Even though there is not much 'show' from outside(it is a very simple looking dispensary), They have all the modern equipment That is needed. I would recommend this place to anybody. Their prices too are modest.

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    Andy Pluto


    I am very happy with the service and had had many implants done successfully by Dr.Thuthikran - the surgery provides long working hours and having only had a limited time in Sri Lanka found it most satisfactory.

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    Lal Motha


    Had an excellent experience of dental implant by Dr.Thuthikaran

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