Kandy Tourist Information Center w Kandy

Sri LankaKandy Tourist Information Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Deva Veediya, Kandy, Kandy, LK Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 812 222 661
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 7.2939216, Longitude: 80.6394768

komentarze 5

  • en

    nanthu kajee


  • Thusitha Kumara

    Thusitha Kumara


  • Dieter Gorzitze

    Dieter Gorzitze


    Besuch des Zahntempels und der berühmten Kandy-Tempeltänzer. Luxeriös im Hotel Suisse Gewohnt.

  • en

    j mit


    Don't expect too much. There's one young lady who can answer your questions and make itinerary suggestions. If she leaves, you'll need to just wait until she comes back? She has some black and white photocopies of a Kandy map. Negotiating a full day tour with a tuk-tuk driver may be your best option for seeing the sights near Kandy. ...but do get to know him first...you don't want to be stuck with an annoying tw** for several hours.

  • Kuraish Rahman

    Kuraish Rahman


    Dear Kandy and Colombo Tourist Board, On my recent visit to Kandy I stopped enroute at Pinnawela Zoo thinking that it will be a good experience to see the animals and the newly opened zoo. I skipped Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage for the fact that I can get to elephants in the zoo along with other animals. Everything looked perfect at the entrance. Usually I dont make an issue but something told me that I should ask one of the co workers in the Zoo for his feedback before I proceed. Despite his advise I purchased tickets and went inside and did not spend even 5 minutes, I returned back with lots a disappointment. I was hearing lots of comments from passer byes that they have not seen a single animal for hours they spent. When I returned back to the entrance I spoke to the ticket vendors ( from Mobiltel ) and shared a few thoughts and they agreed the same. Pinnawela Zoo is supposed to be a orphanage zoo, giving animals the feeling of not being in a caged environment. It has all the space and greenery to provide those animals the best of their mother nature. Pinnawela zoo opened to the public with the intention of showing people the concept of a zoo. This is a complete waste of time for locals and foreigners to spend time in diverting to see a new place. The organizers should have done a better job. Parking facilities were limited and had to take a three wheeler after I parked. There were many people came with lot of eagerness and expectation to see animals in their natural habitat. But all in vein. I work for a tour operating company and bring in lots of foreigners for their holidays. One of their main side trips is the Pinnwela Elephant Orphanage and because they are first timers I guess they enjoy bits and pieces here and there. But please for the sake of our locals and foreigners do a better job and dont waste peoples time. Learn from other countries how they operate nature type zoos, specially the zoo in Al Ain in United Arab Emirates and also the free flying bird park in Kuala Lumpur. I am proud of being Sri Lankan and its my duty to raise concerns like this. This is not a complaint but take this as a learning tool. Good luck to all. Thank you.

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