Kokkadicholai en கிழக்கு மாகாணம்

Sri LankaKokkadicholai



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Unnamed Rd, Sri Lanka
contactos teléfono: +94
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 7.6055544, Longitude: 81.7120114

comentarios 5

  • Anburaj Ratnakumar

    Anburaj Ratnakumar


    Historic famous Lord Shiva Temple

  • Hari Prasath

    Hari Prasath


    Spiritual place...

  • Tharshan Sriranganathan

    Tharshan Sriranganathan


    It is located west of the provincial town of Batticaloa across from the lagoon that separates the Batticaloa district's hinterland from the populated coastal area. The general area consists of three villages, one is known as Mahiladitivu and the other Mudalaikudah (Crocodile bay) and the main hamlet of Kokkadichcholai. Although Kokkadichcholai is a collective name for the three hamlets, the name refers to the main hamlet in local parlance. The area is known for its famous Batticaloa curd in Sri Lanka.

  • Michael Marino

    Michael Marino


    Natural & Beautiful place. Surround by paddy fields

  • kuhan Nagalingam

    kuhan Nagalingam


    Good Place to visit, a Historical hindu temple is there, Not like those days now there are lot of shops, nearly half an hour is enough to travel from Batticaloa town.

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