Kothmale Raja Pihilla i Nuwara Eliya

Sri LankaKothmale Raja Pihilla



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Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 7.0705145, Longitude: 80.6377801

kommentar 5

  • amila chathuranga

    amila chathuranga


    Ancient bathing place active in today

  • Supun Attanayake

    Supun Attanayake


    A simple but a beautiful sight. Great for a quick bath. The bathing areas are separated according to gender. This is the historical place where King Dutugemunu had bathed during his stay at Kotmale. Parking can be done right beside the road. The paddy fields depict the bucolic nature of the area to it's best.

  • Lahiru Ekanayake

    Lahiru Ekanayake


    Ancient place the king dutugamunu used that for bath,excelent view.

  • isuru deegoda

    isuru deegoda


    Ranamune is a ancient village in Kothmale closely associated with prince Dutugemunu. After sending female jewellery to his father he ran away from his home and hid himself in a farming village known as Kotagapitiya where he lived for 12 years disguised as a helper until his fathers death.  It is situated close to Monaragala and Badalena where the the prince spent most of his time.  According to the tradition there is an Amuna ( a measure of area) of gold buried near the spout. Thus the spout is being called Ranamune (from Ran-Amuna).  The water spout at Ranamune is built of granite and a ambalama has also been built at the site. The water spout and the Ambalama at Ranamure has been declared as a protected monument under the antiquities act in 2008.

  • en

    Sajith Sameera


    Not popular among travellers. But historic place. As legends King Dutugamunu used this place to bath. Not crowded.

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