Maha Kali Amman Kovil Modara en Colombo

Sri LankaMaha Kali Amman Kovil Modara



🕗 horarios

Kimbulawala, Colombo, Sri Lanka
contactos teléfono: +94 112 688 422
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 6.9674139, Longitude: 79.8668982

comentarios 5

  • Ranjan Samarawickrama

    Ranjan Samarawickrama


    Hindu temple, people are coming to here to get Godes Maha Kali Amma"s blessings.

  • Rivin Pathirage

    Rivin Pathirage


    A very religious place that should be respected.

  • Eranga Kodikara

    Eranga Kodikara


    sacred place in Colombo. take precaution when you park your vehicle near temple

  • Thivantha Harischandra

    Thivantha Harischandra


    This is a sacred place. Lot of people come here for religious activities. Specially for do bad to the enemies with using coconut as I see. They offer Coconut for Sohon Kali Goddess. This Place is devoted to Kali Goddess. Also there are few God statues available here. To most of things we have to pay some money and get a ticket. It would seem not a godly thing as taking money for everything, but that thing is somewhat essential for keeping the place clean and running. Priests in here are also kind and supportive. Not much enough parking available. No wheelchair accessible entrance or wheelchair accessible parking available.

  • Nivedha Sivalingam

    Nivedha Sivalingam


    As i went to the temple , i felt a real feeling of a auspicious feeling where i never felt in other temple . saw so many people come and pray , this is the 1st time i went to the temple i felt kali amma's blessings, and after i spoked to about my issues i felt very relaxed and relief , i know kali amma's blessings will be always be with me forever , kali amma 🙏

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