Naranwala Ambalama w Central Province

Sri LankaNaranwala Ambalama


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Embilmeegama-Daulagala-Penideniya Road, Kandy, Central Province, LK Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 7.2380927, Longitude: 80.5780824

komentarze 5

  • Miyuru Jayasekara

    Miyuru Jayasekara


    Naramwala Ambalama is one of the well preserved ancient wayside rests you can see today. The Ambalama lies on a platform raised by large granite blocks. Four granite pillars hold the roof of the Ambalama. The pillar bases and the top are square and become octagonal in center. The center of the pillar is shaped inform of a cube. No carvings are found on these pillars. Four massive wooden beams connects the four pillars at the top. These four beams creates extensively carved false pillar tops for the granite pillars. Four fine Binara Mala (බිනර මල) carvings on four sides decorates all four pillars. Four more wooden beams lie on top of this frame and another four beam on the top of the latter frame each smaller than the previous. The roof is held on these three frames. The roof is tiled with typical flat tiles common during the Kandyan era. The wooden beams which hold the tiles are connected together at the top at a point known as Kanimadala or Madol Kurupawa. The equal force of each beam hold beams in place without any wooden or iron nails. This is the most common way Ambalama roofs were built during the Kandyan Era. The seating arrangement of Naramwala Ambalama is an excellent example of how the society operated during the Kandyan Era. On the right is a average height bench. The bench on the left is only few inches high and the bench in front of the entrance is so high that a average persons legs wouldn’t touch the floor. This reveals the strict seating order for separate classes of people in the time of the Kandyan Kingdom. The Ambalama lies 12 kilometers away from Kandy towards Gampola.

  • Nimantha Jayathilake

    Nimantha Jayathilake


    Naramwala Ambalama is one of the well preserved ancient wayside rests you can see today. The Ambalama lies on a platform raised by large granite blocks. Four granite pillars hold the roof of the Ambalama.

  • en

    Fawmy Jawfer


    Beautiful surrounding

  • Tharaka Keerthisinghe

    Tharaka Keerthisinghe


    Must preserve this place

  • Mohammed Rizmy

    Mohammed Rizmy


    Poorely maintained. But a good place to have a look.

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