Natural Coffee i Kandy

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Sri LankaNatural Coffee



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5, Temple Street, 20000, Kandy, Kandy, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 812 205 734
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Latitude: 7.2935625, Longitude: 80.6386923

kommentar 5

  • Manula Waidyanatha

    Manula Waidyanatha


    Tried out the Matcha Latte and the Ice Matcha Latte. It was really nice. And the service is really nice.

  • Adam Carpenter

    Adam Carpenter


    Best coffee in Sri Lanka. A great effort to bring back the historic coffee growing regions overtaken in the 1800s by British tea production.

  • Andreas Söderberg

    Andreas Söderberg


    Great coffee. That's it. If you want a good cup of coffee in Kandy, you go here. The food was nothing special, and the service was not that impressing either.

  • Marloy Wolf

    Marloy Wolf


    The Best Cafe in the Kandy! Atmosphere is calm and pleasant. I think the japan owner is good guy and made super place, with free wifi, many types of Cafe and Cakes, ... It´s our favorite place.

  • Hot Potatoes & Juicy Apples

    Hot Potatoes & Juicy Apples


    When I drink coffee I wish for relaxed happy place. Coffee here is ok. Ambiance is boring with no special sphere. Girls working here are dressed up like working in a Michelin star restaurant and do not expect smile. Food is very average.

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