Nilaveli Beach Hotel w Nilaveli

Sri LankaNilaveli Beach Hotel


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11th mile Post, Nilaveli, Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 262 222 071
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Latitude: 8.7062671, Longitude: 81.1893685

komentarze 5

  • en

    Majith Rasila Kodithuwakku


    Visit to Nillaveli was disappointing😳. Staff was not friendly and they do not know the procedures of the facility😳. Foods also not up to the standard. If you are for the buffet better to have as soon as it opens. Otherwise I will not be able to have all options. You have to bring toothpaste etc even this was star class hotel. Otherwise you have to purchase those stuff at cost from hotel😠. Beach and surrounding was perfect. Good option to visit peigen island. They arranged whale watching but it was totaly a mess. Better to have it with other party.

  • Randini Jansen

    Randini Jansen


    First visit to nilaveli beach hotel an disappointed as hell. Food was an even bigger disappointment I could have cooked myself a better lunch at home .The staff wasn't helpful or either friendly they didn't even know what the hotel had to offer. Heard so many good things about this place so that's the reason we decided to go but I will never make another trip over there it's not worth it !

  • Tommy Daily vids

    Tommy Daily vids


    We absolutely loved our stay here. Staff supper friendly and helpful. Beautiful location. Pigeon island snorkeling beautiful. The sea here is warm and very safe for kids. Pool is lovely. Bar area and the food all fantastic. Would highly reccomend it.

  • Kishan Perera

    Kishan Perera


    my home away from home for the past 20 years. Amazing beach, plenty of privacy for guests, friendly staff, decent rooms, lots of trees and shade. best beach location in Sri Lanka imho. Ideal for long stays.

  • Chris Cotonou

    Chris Cotonou


    I'll never forget the hospitality the manager showed me seven years ago: backpacking through Sri Lanka, our destination was only a suggestion from random people we met on 12 hour buses. Being exceptionally late, we stumbled upon this hotel; the manager noticed how tired we were and let us stay for 4 nights (it was off-peak). From dingy guest houses to this luxury. It kept us from going insane. Thank you.

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