OPPO Service Center w Colombo

Sri LankaOPPO Service Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

W A D Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 115 886 776
strona internetowej: www.oppo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 6.9144835, Longitude: 79.8572923

komentarze 5

  • Roma Riio

    Roma Riio


    Phone power button broken and software dead! Gave morning and repaired it evening! Fast service

  • Isuru Abeywardana

    Isuru Abeywardana


    Most worst customer service I have ever experienced. I bought an oppo f5 6 months before. Usually, soon after I woke up I am used to check my facebook notifications. Just after I connect to wifi suddenly it was stuck after I received a big number of notifications and then I turned it off but I couldn't turn it on again. I brought my phone to this service center. They promised me to give my phone in a day and they took my contact number also. Next day I went there and receptionist told me that they do not have the needed spare parts and asked me to wait for another week. I successfully wasted 2 days for this. These people do not no the value of time of their customers. Poor oppo users. I will never ever buy or recommend oppo phones again.

  • en

    chanaka karunarathna


    Good service there

  • en

    Balasaravanan Palanirajh


    Didn't give a rats ass, I was kept waiting for a good long hour. None of the staff even noticed me leaving. It was practically EMPTY except for one other customer that day. Worst ever office I have been to. Hope this company closes real soon and gives up the space to someone else. Bleeding phone, bleeding after sales service.

  • Ahmad Febri Falahuddin

    Ahmad Febri Falahuddin


    I wonder they know how to deal with customers, been a month waiting for a call that they have promised to me. But I receive no call till today. Apparently I just bought a new oppo a57 last month, after 5 days, I felt something is wrong with the graphic and then I brought it to company warranty place then they forwarded to this service centre. After 8 days of waiting, I received back my phone yet I found many scratches on the backside of my phone. They kept arguing this and that. I said how possible a 5-day new phone got such scratches, and I personally never dropped it or even remove the back cover since I bought the phone. Simply, no one wanted to be responsible, pretty disappointed.

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