PEEK Hosting en Mirigama

Sri LankaPEEK Hosting



🕗 horarios

No 29, 2nd Lane, Housing Scheme, Mirigama 11200, Sri Lanka
contactos teléfono: +94 71 511 6302
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 7.2420687, Longitude: 80.1172514

comentarios 5

  • Go Digital

    Go Digital


    Highly satisfied with the after sales services. Thank you guys.

  • Ranuk Wijesinghe

    Ranuk Wijesinghe


    I've been using PEEK Hosting for the past few years and hands down I can say that they are the best and most reliable hosting company in Sri Lanka. I have tried many other Sri Lankan companies and they have always put me down in some way. Some servers were really slow and kept going down even for the slightest DOS attack. But with PEEK Hosting servers, I have not experienced any speed issues nor any security issues or downtime. I am really satisfied with all the services they provide and most importantly their incredible customer support. Unlike the other hosting providers I've worked with, PEEK Hosting responds and resolves issues within a really short time. Excellent Service. Highly Recommended!

  • Chinthaka Asiri

    Chinthaka Asiri


    Thanks Peekhosting! You guys are the best hosting provider in Sri Lanka. Highly satisfied with the customer care, backup help and after sales services. Also got Free SSL for all my websites as promised. Highly recommended! Cheers!

  • sachitha dilshan

    sachitha dilshan


    Best hosting service provider I have ever seen. I have worked with so many service providers but this one provide the fastest service anyone can have. Last time it took only 30 seconds to reply :). thank you very much for providing such a fast service. I strongly recommend for anyone who looking for a cheap and quality hosting.

  • Deecomly Jay

    Deecomly Jay


    PEEK Hosting is focusing more on customer support and reliability. Now personally I know we can choose from multiple hosting plans, which suits our budget and hosting needs. I highly appreciate your 24 hours high tech and high touch service & support. Good Luck PEEK Hosting.

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