Peoples Park Complex w Colombo

Sri LankaPeoples Park Complex



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Colombo, Sri Lanka
kontakt telefon: +94 77 740 3408
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 6.9379489, Longitude: 79.8560769

komentarze 5

  • Malika Niroshana

    Malika Niroshana


    Famous shopping complex for stationary and related stuff. Cheap prices. [Eg: Pen - Rs.8/- ,Pencil – 6/-, 80 pages exercise book – Rs.28/-, eraser – Rs.5/- ] whole sales purchases can be done. Prominence for cash sales. There are few shops who are doing musical instruments and related stuff. Parking available, always full.

  • Isuranga Dissanayake

    Isuranga Dissanayake


    Best rate for stationary items. Parking available. Many shops to select wide range of products at competitive price.

  • aroon lucid

    aroon lucid


    I really like this place. This is a very good shopping complex for buying books and stationary. There are many books stores and other shops for essentials. The place is messy. The complex can be easily reached by bus. You can buy a lot of things with affordable and discounted prices.

  • Amila Udara Ranasinghe

    Amila Udara Ranasinghe


    You can buy all type of stationery items for your retail shops and annual book lists of your children at a cheaper price. If you consider to give stationery items (books,water bottles,lunch boxes..etc) as gifts in annual prize giving or any other occasion, best place to buy all things under one roof at a lower budget. Very difficult to find a parking space. There are many wholesalers, so you are able to bargain as you wish.

  • en

    nisal wijayasiriwardana


    Wide range of stationery items available. Good quality products at best price. If you wish to buy at best rate and are not worried much about the comfort and ease of buying this is the best place in Colombo. Difficult to find parking around. Best thing is to park at nearby public parking area and come by a tuk tuk rather than coming directly to the place by your vehicle and facing difficulties. Advice to come in a t shirt and a denim like and enjoy different type of shopping experience in and outside of people's park in tropical conditions.

najbliższy Centrum handlowe

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