Realty Plaza i Ja-Ela

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaRealty Plaza



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Negombo-Colombo Main Road, 11350, Ja-Ela, Gampaha, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 799 0157
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Latitude: 7.075137, Longitude: 79.892027

kommentar 5

  • Upul Bandara

    Upul Bandara


    This was famous place few years ago. But now its not as that.. few shops are there and not a crowded place anymore...

  • Sameera Dushmantha

    Sameera Dushmantha


    Reality plaza is use to be one a great place in town but now the shopping mall looks like really low on sales because I've seen many shops are closed or moved out from the mall. But still some shopes are doing good but can see the emptiness in tge mall. I would say the audience in the town aren't looking for a shopping mall they more tend to go for individual shops outside the mall or around it coz they can look for larger Verity of things instead at the mall.

  • Pahan Chathuranga

    Pahan Chathuranga


    This shopping mall used to very known in the past (i mean around 3 - 4 years ago) but it is sad to see now in this condition. There are so many empty shops now. The food court has closed and there is a single restaurant now. One day I went there and ordered a lasagna. It was terrible! There is a cinema inside the mall. It's very old now but in a good condition. (Some seats are broken. =( ) I think the management can do many improvements here and rewrite the golden era of REALTY PLAZA ja ela!

  • D.M Mohammad Shakeer

    D.M Mohammad Shakeer


    Need some good strategic solutions to get visitors. As lot of people just wasting time by search for things in this building rather than having a concierge or kinda guidance to people could do much more. Also, need proper management who really can handling experience of shopping complex.

  • Shanan Ilen

    Shanan Ilen


    Still One of my favorite shopping mall with 5 floors(Ground,1,2,3,4) since my childhood and I love that car park also.But its kinda sad to see so many empty rooms there without any stoles. Anyway Same as those days. DVD shops, Phone shops, clothes and many more stoles are there. And Specially I love the cinema hall.

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