Ruoo Cinema Katunayake i Katunayake

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaRuoo Cinema Katunayake



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Avariwatta Road, Katunayake, Gampaha, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 253 549
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 7.1656363, Longitude: 79.8854591

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ashen Fernando


    Good Place for a right price. Theatre quality is good. Sounds also good. Have 3D function..

  • Chawrin pravinth

    Chawrin pravinth


    Have a canteen, bathroom, small line of waiting seats. But the service isn't good. We went to watch a movie and just before the time that was already decided to start, the staff told that there must be a minimum of 5 people in order to start a movie. Eventhough they had time to tell that to us earlier. They told it at the last moment. So then we left. We coudn't watch the movie at that place. That's the reason for not giving a 5 star rating.

  • Buhuti Manakal

    Buhuti Manakal


    Though the hall is small it has good sound and picture quality. 3D experience is also great

  • Nimaz Rox

    Nimaz Rox


    Love the place. Sound system is amazzing

  • en

    Rashmika Divyan


    We had a great experinece in here.If you are going for a movie you can selet here

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