Salon Shiny i Matara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSalon Shiny



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Nilwala By pass, Matara, Matara, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 414 925 887
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Latitude: 5.949401, Longitude: 80.543284

kommentar 5

  • Vasitha Dahanayake

    Vasitha Dahanayake


  • Ivoni Balthazaar

    Ivoni Balthazaar


  • Lasitha Chamari

    Lasitha Chamari


    Very unsupportive and unprofessional. My sister was dressed by this Salon. The makeup artist was okay but the other staff was very inexperienced. The artist didn't even pay attention to their work. We had to face different people from the staff on the wedding day rather than the staff we had been dealing with earlier. They had very poor coordination and we had to remind them of every little thing. Doesn't worth giving a single star. Other thing is the bridal dress maker this Salon recommend, she didn't finish the dresses until the last moment. The wedding was on Sunday and she asked us to supply materials on Friday saying that she couldn't find them. Very irresponsible.

  • Lasanthi Liyanage

    Lasanthi Liyanage


  • himasha liyanage

    himasha liyanage


    Good for makeup and dressings stuff. But I do not recommend this place for hair relaxing kinda stuff. New staff is so careless and they just carry on with what they've asked to do. I had a bad experience relaxing my hair because new staff girls were pulling my hair from here and there. If you could get supuni to do your thing you won't disappoint

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