Sanctuary House Sri Lanka i Negombo

Sri LankaSanctuary House Sri Lanka



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# 285 Kepungoda, Negombo 11370, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 115 511 358
internet side:
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Latitude: 7.123846, Longitude: 79.8405432

kommentar 5

  • Uncomaa Roxx

    Uncomaa Roxx


    Great place for Great Camping Experience..... Keep Growing

  • en

    Philip Connors


    Very pleasant stay and activities center. Kayaking guide was very helpful. Volunteers are very helpful. Enjoyed the raft building and actually using it on the water

  • Timothy Connors

    Timothy Connors


    This place is unforgettable. The staff simply awesome. The environment conducive for fun, learning and relaxation. Activities are designed to learn from and stay in your memory. Food amazing. You have to visit and enjoy it for yourself.

  • Allen George

    Allen George


    Super place.. Amazing people with a lovely heart!

  • Karen Pack

    Karen Pack


    The hospitality here is impeccable. I feel incredibly welcome. The food is wonderful. The staff do everything that could possibly be done to ensure a comfortable stay. Thank you Maurice, Paul, chef Michael, Jude, Raja and the whole spectacular team.

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