Unitech Trading (Pvt) Ltd i Pettah

Sri LankaUnitech Trading (Pvt) Ltd



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15 1st Cross Street,, Colombo-11, Pettah 01100, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 334 100
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Latitude: 6.9347785, Longitude: 79.8510331

kommentar 5

  • en

    Indika Mahathanthila


    this place having all your needs for projects and also other electronic requirements. place is too much small compair to the amount of customer s they are having. arduino borards and iot units rapberrypi development boards and electro michanical items are found here, pricing is little bit higher than e bay ,but still it is responsible since there is no much places to buy such things in sri lanka

  • Minsika Weerasooriya

    Minsika Weerasooriya


    They have some good stuff, but customer service is very poor.. almost non-existent. Just order the stuff you want from an online shop like AliExpress. Unless you're in a hurry. I way better than wasting your time here and yeah stuffs more expensive here too.

  • Kosala Jayasundara

    Kosala Jayasundara


    Good place to buy electronic stuff. The shop is not big and always congested, but you can find the best collection of electronic components and enclosures here. Make sure that you allocate enough time to stay there, at least half an hour. Also parking can be a big problem as there is no visible option around except parking at Railway Station.

  • en

    Suneth DeSoyza


    Great place to buy robotic items, drone and many more IoT related sensors etc. Reasonable prices compared with eBay and aliexpress. Most of the time the place is crowded. Hence I normally goes at the opening time (around 10) or Friday just after mosque praying time. Make sure to go with the exact details or you will have to spend more time. It will be easy to find their product code if you have the exact details. Do not do your research there ☺ by wasting others time as well. Customer service is better and you can check whether the items are available or not over the phone.

  • Anjay V

    Anjay V


    Good place to buy electronic components for cheap since they are one of the main distributors of components in colombo, overall the shop offers a good variety of electronic and electrical components including development boards such as raspberry pi and arduino and the respective selection of sensors and modules. The only drawback is that the shop is small, crowded, and extremely busy so it sometimes takes an hour or two to get the components that was requested.

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