Alska Beach House i තංගල්ල

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Sri LankaAlska Beach House


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No 343, Matara Road, තංගල්ල 82200, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 429 0210
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Latitude: 6.0201983, Longitude: 80.7962855

kommentar 5

  • Jackson Hardaker

    Jackson Hardaker


    First things first: Eat every meal possible here. We had multiple delicious, varied, and fresh meals, all at a much better price (and quality) than some of the recommended restaurants in town. Rohitha the chef clearly loves to cook and experiment, and takes great joys in seeing his work appreciated! Every tried a tomato and banana salad? Neither had we, but it worked, and was delicious! The room has a fan and A/C, so you can tailor to your comfort. The bed was very comfortable, and the room was very clean. A word of warning: there is no hot water, but the weather should be hot enough that it's not a problem. The private beach was just what the doctor ordered. For most of the day, it's empty. Above all, the people there go out of their way to make sure you're having a great time! Couldn't recommend this place more.

  • Mohamed Renoze

    Mohamed Renoze


    Awesome ocean view. Good service and kind staff. Feel like at own home..

  • Björn Nimvik

    Björn Nimvik


    Me and my girlfriend are backpacking around Sri Lanka, but this was the best stop so far. It feels very luxurious but it's in fact very cheap. The staff is so friendly to you and will help you with anything. They serve amazing food in the evening. When we arrived they treated us on coconutdrink right away. Highly recommend P.s. when you stay here you HAVE to eat here. Roy (his name is longer and harder to spell) is probably the best cook in all of Sri Lanka. The food we've had here is better than any restaurant.

  • Eduardo Sousa

    Eduardo Sousa


    Nice place, very clean, amazing staff always there to help, beautiful view to the see (50mt). Nice Sri Lankan breakfast for 500 rupees.

  • Tye Goetz

    Tye Goetz


    Cheap and clean. Private beach down the steps frendly staff and AC

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