Arpico Super Center i Colombo 2

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Sri LankaArpico Super Center



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62, Hyde Park Corner, 00200, Colombo 2, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 114 734 725
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.917387, Longitude: 79.8612482

kommentar 5

  • Chathuranga Chandrasekara

    Chathuranga Chandrasekara


    This is one of the oldest and biggest Arpico super centers in Sri Lanka. It has a big parking space and generally it does not get fully occupied so you can always find a parking spot. The mall contains an Arpico Grocery store, Several Food outlets, Small shops that sells phone accessories etc. There is a Commercial Bank Mini Branch and an ATM machine as well.

  • sunil abhayawardhane

    sunil abhayawardhane


    The Urban Kitchen sucks. They display a pics of a steak and get you to order it. Then they serve you with a miniature sort of stew. Disgusting how they scam people. Lunch they have beef curry with potato half pieces. It looks like pork as the potato pieces look like pork fat. That too they add the potatoes so that half the dish is not beef. Actually I would not even give them a single star. But this posting requires at least one.

  • Alfons Stücke

    Alfons Stücke


    Alles inter einem Dach.

  • Mohan Fernando

    Mohan Fernando


    Undoubtedly the definitive supermarket experience in Colombo. With a expanded fresh produce and meats section, your shopping experience is assuredly a comfortable and relaxed one. Unlike other competitive supermarkets Arpico has a wide range of household goods, appliances and stationery. Basically a one stop experience for all your shopping requirements. Also unlike its competitors where they push their own brands Arpico has a complete selection of local brands. Finally one of the few supermarkets who has ample parking.

  • Steffen Zn

    Steffen Zn


    Sehr großer Supermarkt. Hat alles was man braucht. Sehr freundliches Personal.

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