Aussie Swiss Beach Resort i Southern Province

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaAussie Swiss Beach Resort


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A2, Matara, Southern Province, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 222 8253
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Latitude: 5.965567, Longitude: 80.4520775

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vanessa Williams


    Fantastic location, friendly service and spacious rooms.

  • Sandeep Anand

    Sandeep Anand


    No exhaust in bathroom connected too the room! Cockroach in the room! Bathroom door had a crack Blinds don't work. On complaining too director, was replied do whatever you want. The rates are exorbitant. Food items on menu are not available. There's no milk provided with tea coffee maker. When shifted to another room, the exhaust window opened in a staircase where people can see you taking a shower is you open. The first room did not have a c satellite connection to the TV. The TV size was i think 14 inches. The only good thing is the view and the polite staff.

  • Prasad Perera

    Prasad Perera


    Nice view.

  • Matty Hodgo

    Matty Hodgo


    Had dinner with my family(10). Burger and chicken curry was good. From 3 different pizza's none of us thought it was at all worth eating. Seafood pizza tasted more like a frozen pizza. Not acceptable in a hotel for the exagerated price

  • Mohamad khalife

    Mohamad khalife


    Stayed for 3 nights, 3 geckos came inside the room :( Bed is not that comfortable.

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