AVANI Kalutara Resort i Kalutara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaAVANI Kalutara Resort



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Saint Sebastian Road, 12000, Kalutara, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 344 297 700
internet side: www.minorhotels.com
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Latitude: 6.568518, Longitude: 79.960149

kommentar 5

  • Dilash Weerasooriya

    Dilash Weerasooriya


    Good ambience, spacious property, well trained staff. Management, specially at the restaurants should improve. Overall experience is well worth the money you spend

  • Udani Vindya

    Udani Vindya


    It has very good view. It is better place for a photo shoot like wedding day. However service and food (Im a vegetarian ) not the best.

  • Praneeth Nilanga Peiris

    Praneeth Nilanga Peiris


    This hotel is situated facing a lagoon and that is one of best places a hotel can be. It has larger yard giving us calm ambiance with a lot of trees. The other side of the hotel faces the beach, and it's a clean and a beautiful one. The food is also good have many variations as well. In the banquet hall I visited, the dining area is divided into 3 parts where the larger one has the buffet setup, so it has both pros and cons (good for weddings, not for conferences). (You can check with them to see if they have another set up.)

  • Nimasha Perera

    Nimasha Perera


    A lovely resort in perfect location. I had a great time with my friends. I loved the location since its separated from the noisy roads. Rooms were clean and tide, but i wish room service be better. I stayed around 2 days and very satisfied with the food and location.

  • en

    Louise Courtenay


    Fabulous hotel set in beautiful surroundings. Staff are extremely helpful and lovely. Food is excellent and the housekeepers are brilliant. This is my 2nd visit to this hotel and I would love to return again in the future

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