Bambalapitiya Railway Station i Colombo

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Sri LankaBambalapitiya Railway Station



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Colombo 04, Colombo, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 584 503
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.8935221, Longitude: 79.853034

kommentar 5

  • Sewwandi Gunathilake

    Sewwandi Gunathilake


    Railway station on coastal line (Fort-mathara).Passenger foot over-bridge is not covered. Due to that people face difficulties in rainy days. Need an immediate repair.

  • Chathushka Peiris

    Chathushka Peiris


    Being located in Colombo and one of the main railway stations this one is one of the most disgusted stations. No proper maintenance. Crossing bridge supposed to have a roof but haven't seen it for months. In rainy seasons passageway is like a muddy pond. This gets worse in rush hours. Till 9'o clock in the morning, they station armed policeman on either side like train passengers are the most dangerous criminals. Their sole purpose is to stop passengers going outside from the edges of the station. I don't know about the legal side of this but during rush hours this causes passengers to walk good 50m or so back to the station in the long platform. Worst part is passageway is very narrow. So if two express trains from either side comes and stop, you are guaranteed to spend good 10-15 minutes without being able to go to the bridge. It is extremely inconvenient to the people who travel to colombo inside packed trains, not to mention which are almost already late good amount of time. Further no restroom facilities. If you want to go to toilet you have to take the key from station and unlock the padlock and do what you have lock back and return the key

  • Shanan Ilen

    Shanan Ilen


    Quiet place in the noon. but kinda busy in morning and evening because of of employees and students. anyway nice view in the evening with the sea and sunset.

  • hiras haris

    hiras haris


    Good station and good service

  • Osanda D Hemachandra

    Osanda D Hemachandra


    nice station in southern railway line.

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