Burger Chief i Matale

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Sri LankaBurger Chief


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Kandy-Jaffna Highway, Matale, Matale, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 664 935 550
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Latitude: 7.4651213, Longitude: 80.6250143

kommentar 5

  • Dilan Dinesh

    Dilan Dinesh


    I would rate zero for this place, i had a bad experience, i found a piece of plastic on my food n i told them so they gave another n i found another piece n they are so lame that they didn't even appologise poor customer n not hygienic at all

  • sajid mohamed

    sajid mohamed


    A decent place to fine dine in matale

  • en

    Rizan Buharideen


    Service is very poor... order to delivery time is very long

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    Food wasn't that good. Has a lot of Ajinomoto

  • TheGame Mudhasar

    TheGame Mudhasar


    One of the best restaurants in Matale with varieties of dishes to choose from. Prices are a bit high comparatively however thumbs up for the quality & the tasty of the meals. They need to work on the timing as well since it takes quite some time after making an order. Love the open space dining facilities of Burger Chief at the top floor.

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