Bus Station i කටුනායක

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Sri LankaBus Station


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Averiyawatte,, කටුනායක, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 7.1663092, Longitude: 79.8841077

kommentar 5

  • thanuppriyan subakaran

    thanuppriyan subakaran


    Mention the bus no ?

  • en

    Pyry Immonen


    The buses are very cheap but do not take one if you have lots of luggage or if you are a large person (very tall or very wide). The buses only leave when they are full and the drivers make them absolutely PACKED. There is no room for luggage and people are just sitting in a big pile. Seats are tiny and many people sit on the floor.

  • Priyan Sampath

    Priyan Sampath


    some good

  • en

    zhong walker


    It's very walkable from the airport. Get out of the arrival hall, cross the road and walk right. Take the exit which is across from the departure terminal then cross the road and walk towards your right hand side. I took the bus to Kandy and also saw the bus the Colombo. Actually you can just wait outside the airport at the main road because the bus to Kandy passes the airport.

  • Kasun Perera

    Kasun Perera


    high way tragities on road expressway katunayake negombo,,,,, i have wait for 20 min on busand it take 30 min to drop me to the colombo,,,,, guess you trvel to 18 milepost and get in to a longway routine bus ..... lol actually i try that once whole trip take around 40 min 20+30 = 50 50 -40 = 10 you can also save 10 min facilities in this bus station,,,,,,lol,,,,lol one of major cities havent a single facilities near international air port in this bus station hikzzzzz no waiting area for the passengers for high way kandy and many more.... there are very few CTB busses to colombo i nights thi is a dead area,,,,, and maintenace are in very low level.... thanks if you visit you can i dentify dis,,

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