Camellia Resort and Spa i Sigiriya

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Sri LankaCamellia Resort and Spa


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Audangawa, Kibissa, Sigiriya 21120, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 665 706 706
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Latitude: 7.9952951, Longitude: 80.737026

kommentar 5

  • Karel Gavenčiak

    Karel Gavenčiak


    Nice quiet area, friendly stuff, rooms are spacious and clean, good location close to many historical sites. Only shortcomings that the beds were sinking and if you have room in ground level, the upper floor guests above can be easily heard.

  • en

    Tiffany Goonetilleke


    Great experience, wonderful service and fantastic staff! The food is fantastic and the staff is incredibly hospitable. Definitely recommend again :)

  • KlonG Pařmen

    KlonG Pařmen


    Beautiful place for sleeping. I would recommend it to anyone who likes chill, good food and good service. (For those who had same problem "how to lock the doors" you can ask on reception or lock the doors from inside and then close them normally. This method worked for us :) ). Rooms for sleeping are big and looking nice, but shower is not made well, because there's no "room" for the shower so water is spreading everywhere, but these problems are little so still I'm giving 5*. Recommending!

  • en

    Kumara Sam


    Great location. ..staffs are very friendly... Very relaxing and food is wow.. 😊 Thank you for everyone who made our stay memorable will come back again 😊

  • Thisara Wijenayake

    Thisara Wijenayake


    a great hotel with very friendly staff and a superb swimming pool. and the food was yummy with many varieties. had an awesome stay here. actually when I reserved the hotel I didn't expect it to be this much good. but ultimately it turned out to be excellent.

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