Casons Rent A Car (Pvt) Ltd i Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaCasons Rent A Car (Pvt) Ltd



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181, Gothami Garden,, Gothami Road,, 8, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 114 377 366
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.918556, Longitude: 79.888114

kommentar 5

  • Hanif Taloei

    Hanif Taloei


    We hired a car and self drove along west , south and central part of the country. The car was a compact hatch back 2015 Axis which had low fuel consumption and was recommended by Dileep over Yaris in Casons office. They had fast reply over email and also offered a good price even lower than their website. Getting AA license wasn't a hassle as they prepared it quickly and sent it over my email.

  • Zaid Iqbal

    Zaid Iqbal


    Casons provides the best service. Driver was very helpful and friendly. I Got the best car at a very good price. Looking forward to see them again on my next tour to Sri Lanka. All the best!

  • en

    David & Elaine


    We rented a small car from Casons for approximately seven weeks. Overall the service was good and the price competitive but the arrangements for the drop off at the airport could be organised more efficiently. We had to park outside the Departures Terminal and 'phone, text or WhatsApp their representative who was based at Arrivals. Consequently, there was a delay of about 15 minutes in him reaching us which is not good when you are anxious to check-in - and probably parked illegally for that length of time. Suggest you take photographs of any dents or scratches on the vehicle on delivery. It was useful for us to show these at the airport as our carbon copy of the contract (marked where there was damage) was unclear and we had to wait even further for their representative to obtain the top copy from the office. This confirmed we had not been responsible for any damage during the hire period which had been suggested. There was also a delay in the deposit being refunded to our credit card. The document we were handed at drop-off said this would be done within seven days. However, it was necessary to remind the company 10 days later and again a further 5 days later before they confirmed it was being dealt with by their bank. So a more efficient drop-off procedure and speedier return of the deposit would ensure a more relaxed experience with Casons.

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    Alexey Ostanin


    Very good service, very nice guys. The only minor thing was a cost for new electronic car key we had lost, so don't do it. And in general they provide good car, reasonable price and friendly airport front office managers and support during all time we rent a car from them! Recommend to all!

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    aimon jameel


    I have been renting cars from Casons since 1988 and I will never go anywhere else. They provide a reliable service at competitive prices. A car may breakdown, but at Casons I know, an alternative is provided without a hindrance to my travel plans. I am assured of the quality of drivers provided. Recently Casons have opened a counter at Colombo International Airport and now I am assured of their services from the time I land on Sri Lanka till I depart. A big thank you to the staff managing the company.

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