Cinnamon Red Colombo i Colombo 03

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Sri LankaCinnamon Red Colombo



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59, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, 00700, Colombo 03, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 145 145
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.912114, Longitude: 79.855287

kommentar 5

  • Shashwat Srivastava

    Shashwat Srivastava


    It is an excellent budget hotel. Complete value for money. The rooms are spacious and furnished just like any 5-star property. The hotel has an infinity pool on the terrace and a well equipped gym. The restaurants and the coffee shop are also quite good. Actually, the only thing that's makes it a budget hotel is absence of room service, which you don't mind given the low room tariff. The view on all four sides of the hotel is excellent. I would highly recommend this for business travelers visiting Colombo.

  • Ravi Vaitiyanathan

    Ravi Vaitiyanathan


    Had a great time. Wonderful place to stay. Excellent service. Most importantly loved the views from my room. If you are planning for a stay in Colombo, never have a second thought book here. Loved the food. I don't have any thing negative about this place

  • surasrilakindu herath

    surasrilakindu herath


    We loved their food at Flavoured restaurant. More in to Japanese cuisine but really tasty. Took a bit of time more than expected for food. If you are heading that way and like seafood, you should definitely try something SINGAPORE STYLE SEAFOOD VERMACILI. But didn't like the apple juice.

  • Akio Iida

    Akio Iida


    Nice hotel, friendly staff. The amenities are nice and the view of the city is beautiful. Their infinity pool on the roof is also a fun place to hang out. One downside is their elevator. It closes really quickly, and the capacity is low, so it's hard to get on in the mornings and around check out times.

  • Ratnasabapathy Ashwinth

    Ratnasabapathy Ashwinth


    I am so glad I undoubtedly made the perfect choice to take my girl out for dinner on Valentine's. It was such a heartwarming experience. Perfect atmosphere, generous and delicious dishes, superb service, all in all it was such a worthy pay. Loved the variety in the food, especially the mouth watering desserts. Would definitely recommend it to people around.

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