Colombo Court Hotel & Spa i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaColombo Court Hotel & Spa



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32, Alfred House Avenue, 00300, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 114 645 333
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.897765, Longitude: 79.856454

kommentar 5

  • Shehan De Soysa

    Shehan De Soysa


    Had a good time at the amber poolside restaurant. Has nice view of the pool with some greenery from some bamboo tress in the surrounding. The food quality is also good. Friendly staff. Overall a nice pleasant experience.

  • en

    chinthaka mampitiyarachchi


    Great food and discounted drinks Fridays. Perfect for an after work session. The football is shown on 3 big screens. The cuttlefiah and the devilled pork is delicious and spicy.. Service is upto standard.

  • Suranga Nanayakkara

    Suranga Nanayakkara


    Good place to grab a beer at the rooftop! calm and quite place with good staff service. even the price is okay and more than the price the staff is really helpful. I went with my friends and had pizza chocolate milk shake and all of these were good. I do recommend this place anyone of my friends!

  • Ashley Anderson

    Ashley Anderson


    Loved this boutique hotel amongst the chaos of busy Colombo. The rooms were spacious and filled with tons of amenities (free bottled water, air conditioning, robes, etc.) The pool area was so nice, despite the noise of traffic outside. The staff were all extremely friendly and welcoming, especially the upstairs (indoor) bar staff. Both bars were cool, but we wanted to watch the Nidahas trophy game so we ended up at the inside bar. Good food too!

  • Leah Hawkins

    Leah Hawkins


    The place is very nice to look at. I came here for a swim and to eat. I was told the swim would cost 500Rs for them to change their mind and say it's 1500Rs. I thought this a bit extravagant so didn't bother. The food at the cloud cafe was very nice. I had sausage and mash as I was missing home food. I was not disappointed. Very nicely cooked and the garlic mash was delicious. The cocktails are also worth trying - especially at happy hour.

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