D S Gunasekera Ltd i Anuradhapura

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaD S Gunasekera Ltd



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Harischandra Mawatha, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 264 8010
internet side: www.dsgunasekera.lk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.3327707, Longitude: 80.4150832

kommentar 5

  • Sunimal Rathnayake

    Sunimal Rathnayake


    The terror of North Central.. if you’re a vehicle owner who used 15, 04 and 57 routes you know what I’m going to say.. D.S. bus drivers have a deep psychiatric issue in their minds that they believe they have a special right to use the roads as they want. Most of the small vehicles owners took precautions if they have to overtake any D.S. bus because they know D.S. will try with every possible way to overtake them. Sometimes you have to take your vehicle to a sharp turn in order to avoid coiled with the bus... unfortunately all the bus services including CTB more or less has this syndrome.. wonder what kind of monitoring done by traffic police who never fail to hide in a sharp bend to catch drivers red handed...

  • Nithik Irudaka

    Nithik Irudaka


  • Gayashan Vidusha

    Gayashan Vidusha


    Leading transportation service provider in Sri Lanka

  • Chrith Rane

    Chrith Rane


    Gunasekara ponnaya,munge bus minissu yata karan yanawa.policy walata jarawa denawa,kaalakanni haththa.

  • Diego Marconi

    Diego Marconi


    Last 7th February with two Italian friends I got on D. S. Gunasekara Express Way Bus leaving Matara at 13:00 hrs (scheduled time 2:20 pm) for Negombo. Although the fare printed on the ticket was 600 Rs the ticket collector wanted 2100 Rs for three passengers. When I objected to his request he just drew a line across Price Rs.600/= and wrote 700 instead. I then handed out two 1000 Rs notes and one 500 Rs note but he picked up only the two 1000 notes knocking off 100 Rs as a discount thus confirming it was not a price rise (last 15th November I paid 600 Rs for the same service, same destination). I noticed that he similarly overcharged each Western passenger on the bus. This discriminatory attitude of overcharging foreigners is in contrast with the image of efficiency of your service and an overall discredit to Sri Lanka tourist industry. Verona, 11/02/2016 Diego Marconi Verona Italy

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