De Soysa Hospital for Women i Colombo

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Sri LankaDe Soysa Hospital for Women



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Kynsey Road, 00800, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 662 619
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Latitude: 6.9198716, Longitude: 79.8702835

kommentar 5

  • Lahiru Ruwanpura

    Lahiru Ruwanpura


    Oldest tertiary maternal care hospital in the country. Due to historical nature of the premises and owing to the fact that entire hospital was the previous residence of wealthy family any infrastructural development is limited (as that family strictly object to ANY modifications). Yet it is a leading maternal and women health care provider in the country.

  • Anoma Jayaratne

    Anoma Jayaratne


    This is the 1st Maternity Hospital in Sri Lanka/ Ceylon ( the 2nd oldest maternity hospital in Asia).This historical institution, popularly known as the De Soysa Lying-in -Home or De soysa Maternity Hospital, was founded in the year 1879 through the generosity of Charles Henry de Soysa, a great philanthropist of the era.

  • Raveen Jayasinghe

    Raveen Jayasinghe


    One of the best hospitals, with required facilities and good doctors.

  • Shiraz Mohamed

    Shiraz Mohamed


    1st Maternity Hospital in Sri Lanka/ The 2nd oldest maternity hospital in Asia. This historical institution, Popularly known as the De Soysa Lying-in -Home or De soysa Maternity Hospital.

  • en

    Mohamed Ramzeen


    Good maternity hospital for pregnant ladies. Really very good service for free.. With very good doctors. And nice staffs. Hospital is very cleaned. Government have to supply some more equipments and machines to this hospital.

nærmeste Hospital

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