Dinemore i Kohuwala

Sri LankaDinemore



🕗 åbningstider

#127, South De S. Jayasinghe Mawatha, Kohuwala, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 115 234 291
internet side: www.dinemore.lk
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Latitude: 6.8678898, Longitude: 79.8853106

kommentar 5

  • Hashan Munasinghe

    Hashan Munasinghe


    Dinemore has never let me down. Their food is awesome, price is fare and the staff is nice. 5 stars! 😊

  • Dinithi Lp

    Dinithi Lp


    The best submarine i have ever tasted so far. There pizza range too is simply soooo yummy. Friendly service and the outlets are peaceful too. Clean and good.

  • en

    Amal Prasad


    nice food. you may have to wait a little. If you need your order quickly, better to order before hand

  • Sam Snyke

    Sam Snyke


    Loved it! 💯 I tried the veggie submarine. It took about 15 minutes for them to prepare it. The submarine had many ingredients (greens, cheese, can't remember all). Totally worth the cost compared to what is sold elsewhere.

  • Madhawa Ekanayake

    Madhawa Ekanayake


    Bad experience. I asked them to remove the left overs of who was eating at the table before I sit. But they didn't care about what I said. They should be more polite when they are offering a service like this. There are plenty of other places as well to eat good food. They act like people doesn't have any other options. I was a good fan of their submarines but that's the last time I ate at dinemore.

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