Diyagama Mahinda Rajapaksa Stadium i Western Province

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaDiyagama Mahinda Rajapaksa Stadium


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B239, Colombo, Western Province, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 400 677
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Latitude: 6.806672, Longitude: 79.9913005

kommentar 5

  • Pramukha Wijerathne

    Pramukha Wijerathne


    new constructions are still going . hope to see a nice ground soon.

  • Movindu Gamage

    Movindu Gamage


    Best for sportsmeets. But i saw the tracks were damaged. Recommand to repair them

  • Sashika Surain Wijethunga Gamage

    Sashika Surain Wijethunga Gamage


    This place has been built to have international stadium. But still this is not in the standard of international level. But for daily jogging this is good place. But it's bit far from kottawa city and close to homagama town.

  • arshad rifa

    arshad rifa


    Good view from the open stand..need to travel quite a distance from Colombo..No sheltered stand...

  • Randini Jansen

    Randini Jansen


    As a parent I visit this stadium every year as my children's school sports meet is held here as well as ISAC meet. It is indeed a beautiful place but sadly the whashrooms are in a very bad state. These poor kids who go there almost to spend an entire day suffer badly due to this . I would be glad if this could be looked in to and yea agree with all the others who left reviews its not maintained well.

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