Dz Entertainment i Nugegoda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaDz Entertainment



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165D, Etul Kotte-Mirihana-Kohuwela Road, Nugegoda, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 811 207
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 6.874463, Longitude: 79.8915552

kommentar 5

  • Samitha Abeysinghe

    Samitha Abeysinghe


    All sorts of movies,TV series is available in DVD and Blu-ray.Reasonable value and good quality.

  • Kesara Sankenath Dahanayaka

    Kesara Sankenath Dahanayaka


    Best quality Movies And TV series, amassing massive collection. Perfect customer service

  • Tharusha Lekamge

    Tharusha Lekamge


    It has good customer service. But availability of items is not much appreciable.

  • govindu sasanka

    govindu sasanka


    Awesomely very awesome place with all types of films and programmes

  • lahiru pothmulla

    lahiru pothmulla


    One place to buy TV shows because they have pretty much all of them except for a few. Bad thing is their prices had not gone down from a long time. As far as I remember one DVD was 100 bucks 4-5 years ago and still the same. Should consider reducing prices keeping up with other shops. The other thing is they should be flexible. The 'main' guy is nice but not flexible. I went to change a DVD because it didn't work but they didn't allow that so I had to buy another. I witnessed the same when a lady came to change a DVD saying some issue recently, but the shop refused to do that. That's just bad. Other than that they seem fine.

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