Faculty of Science, University of Colombo i Colombo

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Sri LankaFaculty of Science, University of Colombo



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Thurstan Road, 00300, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 586 868
internet side: science.cmb.ac.lk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 6.9021004, Longitude: 79.8601331

kommentar 5

  • Sewwandi Gunathilake

    Sewwandi Gunathilake


    Faculty of Science is one of seven faculties of the University of Colombo. The oldest Faculty of Science in the country. It conducts both undergraduate and post-graduate degree programs in many fields of science.The Faculty consists of the Department of Chemisty, Mathematics, Nuclear Science, Physics, Plant Sciences, Statistics and Zoology. Currently, Faculty of Science undergo constructions and renewation process.

  • Chanaka Hettige

    Chanaka Hettige


    Peaceful surrounding the busy capital of Sri Lanka. Good atmosphere for education. Currently the premises is under construction with a higher array of new facilities for the students. Considered to be one of the best Science Faculties in the country.

  • Daminda Herath

    Daminda Herath


    Best science faculty in Sri Lanka with a well qualified lecturer panel

  • Yasiru Kumarasiri

    Yasiru Kumarasiri


    The best science faculty in Sri Lanka. The staff is well qualified and really good. The labs are also really good and equipped with science equipments.

  • චතුර බුද්ධික

    චතුර බුද්ධික


    Beautiful place wth lot of memories.

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