Fashion Bug i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaFashion Bug



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415, R. A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 556 455
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Latitude: 6.8993269, Longitude: 79.8559221

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laknath Ratnayake


    Good place to fulfil your all clothing needs for a affordable prices.

  • Samali Liyanage

    Samali Liyanage


    Fashion bug down duplication road has a wide variety of clothing, accessories and lifestyle goods. The staff is really helpful with a good knowledge on matching clothing and helping you out with selecting clothing that fits your taste, size and budget. The offers that are available could improve a bit more. And sometimes the clothing on sale are the ones that cannot be worn. Overall a good shopping experience.

  • Fahad Muhammed

    Fahad Muhammed


    Excellent selection of clothes for men.. You can get branded once like U.S polo in all sizes.. Wide selection of colours n sizes for all the ages.. Experienced staff will help you to find the best one's for you.. Some will just try to do the businesses...

  • en

    Nilakshi de Mel


    Convenient location as it's on the main road and a bus stop is right next to it. Parking space is insufficient and most often than not, finding a parking spot is quiet difficult. Fairly good selection of clothes and accessories at a reasonable price.

  • Tharanga Gunawardena

    Tharanga Gunawardena


    The parking spaces not sufficient therefore during busy hours you will face some difficulties in finding a parking space for your vehicle. However, store provides clothing for kids, ladies and gentlemen with a little variety. Some branded items also available. Price is comparatively high. Has some perfume but variety and product range is not sufficient to make a good decision. There should be some improvement in service, product range, and pricing in order to give a good shopping experience to customers.

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