Galle Face Hotel i Colombo

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Sri LankaGalle Face Hotel



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2, Galle Road, 0300, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 541 010
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.920008, Longitude: 79.8463645

kommentar 5

  • Md. Saidul Islam

    Md. Saidul Islam


    Really an ancient yet royal looking hot with great view. Will recommend for its excellent view...this can't be any better. Staffs are very friendly and always ready to help.

  • en

    anthony yeo


    Great hotel, has a museum inside history telling about the hotel 153 years of existence. Located at the sea front, not really a sea beach but does not matter, in my opinion. Walking distance to town. Get yourself pampered with their excellent services and warm environment.

  • Kasun Gayasri

    Kasun Gayasri


    It's a nice hotel with good Hospitality service. Parking available for guest and Five star facilities available.. Nice beach surrounding and it's really cool place. Wedding functions, Meetings and workshops can be arranged.

  • en

    Andrew Thambiah


    Had a drink in the evening overlooking the sea. Unfortunately it was cloudy, so didn't get to see the sunset. But the view was still good. Great atmosphere in the hotel. Had an old colonial feel to the building. Service at the outdoor cafe was acceptable. Service in the hotel was poor.

  • captainstarkiller



    We did not get to stay here but attended a function. I will start with the bad stuff and finish with the many good features. The food is okay, looks amazing but lacks the balance of flavours that I would expect in such a place. When I say balance, the flavours in the food does not compliment other items on the plate that well. Dessert was full of amazing flavours, but rather than work together, I just felt that they were added at random, an issue which was also the case with my main course. However when it came to my soup, as it was in essence just one dish, that was fantastic. The organisation of the function was let down by one error, but the staff were superb at helping to correct it. Which brings me onto a major asset to the hotel. It is a beautiful building with a breathtaking view of the sea. But the service the staff give is even better. While the food was as noted before, okay for the setting, the service was exceptional. The staff are an asset to the hotel and should be treasured.

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