Glory Swim Shop i Colombo

Sri LankaGlory Swim Shop



🕗 åbningstider

1, Spathodea Avenue, 00500, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 730 7788
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 6.8904692, Longitude: 79.8655388

kommentar 5

  • Dushani Radika

    Dushani Radika


    The worst shop I have ever dealt with. I bought a swimming cap from them and it torn out from the very first wearing . When I went to the shop with the torn cap, they didn't accept the bad quality of their material and they said I have torn it from my nails(Even though i didn't have long nails they didn't accept it). I strongly disrecommend their after sale service, customer service and the quality of the products. This the last place to go for a swimming wear as I experienced. Or better not to go at all.

  • en

    Angani Poobalasingam


    Worst customer care. Those sales people are standing as they are hypo energic. Not much helpful

  • Andrew Todorow

    Andrew Todorow


    Great shop ! Will cater for most of your needs great service very helpful and friendly staff

  • Thilanka Kuruppuarachchi

    Thilanka Kuruppuarachchi


    All your swim needs under one roof. Excellent staff and good service

  • Deepani Dharmasiri

    Deepani Dharmasiri


    One stop shop for all water sports and much more!!! Friendly and helpful shop staff too. Love shopping there since there is parking available too...

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