Go Outdoors Lanka (Pvt) Ltd i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaGo Outdoors Lanka (Pvt) Ltd



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82/1A, Stratford Avenue, 00600, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 114 545 553
internet side: www.gooutdoors.lk
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Latitude: 6.875975, Longitude: 79.873603

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roshan Bamberadeniya


  • Roshana Tissera

    Roshana Tissera


    UNTRUSTWORTHY! Beware of management. My parents had booked a caravan well in advance in Nuwara Eliya, more than a month before their scheduled vacation. However, once they got there, management has said that they do not have any caravans left, since they've given the last one to someone who had paid them a higher amount of money. This is absurd and outrageous, considering that paying an advance basically guarantees that the caravan is reserved for one customer. All in all, they just cannot be trusted.

  • Malinda Siriwardena

    Malinda Siriwardena


    Totally a new experience...

  • Jayan Vidanapathirana

    Jayan Vidanapathirana


    Best place to buy camping equipments.

  • en

    Kester Amarasinghe


    You don't get this kind of shops much in Sri Lanka. The staff is very friendly and know what the are talking. Preston who needs outdoor stuff can buy all except for few things like back packs. This is mainly because their main business is selling and giving caravans on rent. Most they sell are related to that bussiness. But still you can buy tents boots knives other camping items from them.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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