Guest Ryan i Katunayake

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaGuest Ryan


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Sri Lanka, Katunayake, 80/9, Second lane, Liyanagemulla, Seeduwa
kontakter telefon: +94 71 197 2970
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Latitude: 7.146318, Longitude: 79.8776

kommentar 5

  • Dhilip Premkumar

    Dhilip Premkumar


    A decent place to crash.. restroom and bedroom are ok...Not suitable for.longer stay.. as rooms are very small...

  • Sheron Senarathne

    Sheron Senarathne


    My friend from spain came to sri lanka. He booked this place to stay for 2 days. The guy whose run this place is nice for us. Room was okey. But small for the price we paid. Once we checked out we had few hours left for the flight. So we were in lobby (Actually it's a living area). We already informed them about when we are leaving. But they wanted us to checked out early. 12 O' clock at noon we checked out. But our flight was at 21.10. This guy owns the place told us that we can keep our bags in the lobby. So we were in there for one hour and using the wifi. and this guy even put the fan. he was nice. I told him that we are going out. There was a lady, she just came to the lobby after that guy left and turn off the fan first. And then she turn off the WIFI. So we went out and came back. And this guy was not there. We came back at 16.00. So few hours more to go. There was another lady, while we were there on the lobby. she came back and turned off the WiFi and the fan again. And she was telling me that there are some standards in this hotel. After check out we cannot use the WiFi or anything. And she was telling me that she traveled around the world. She couldn't even answer the things that i asked from her. Clearly this lady never been out of this place. She doesn't even know what kind of standards there in hotels. As a sri lankan I am really ashamed of this people who runs places like this and people like you who booked this places for cheap. FYI: If you want a worst service and you wanna waste your money choose this place. This is just a house, not a hotel.

  • Amol Karanjkar

    Amol Karanjkar


    Its a nice and clean place to for kind of homestay. It is near to Colombo airport. Owner is a good man and food onboard is home made and nice.. There is nothing much around the property but can use Tuktuk to reach to desired spot...

  • en

    Максим Дворянинов


    Wifi is slow, and conditioner dont do cooling. Other is ok.

  • Ruwan Chaminda Sampath

    Ruwan Chaminda Sampath


    Dusty rooms. not cleaned. Not prepared the rooms before hand even with pre booking. Not value for money. Very small bathrooms.

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