Hilton Colombo i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaHilton Colombo


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2 Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 00200, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 492 492
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 6.9323168, Longitude: 79.8452823

kommentar 5

  • Justin Jacob

    Justin Jacob


    One of the oldest standing property build by Japanese engineering attention to detail.. rock solid cascade but very long in the toooth with respect to decor and the complete old school marble look... The staff uniforms are build to bring some brightness and casualness to the ambience but you can feel the old office building kind of feel at the property...

  • en

    Chris R


    This is an exceptional hotel. The location is great in a very upscale part of Sri Lanka that overlooks the ocean on obe side and the cityscape on the other. Service was extraodinary. From check in with a personal escort to the executive lounge (as I arrive early) to the personal fruit basket and chocolates in my room. The rooms are spacious and well appointed. The food at Graze was great. A broad selection of items on the buffet from local favorites to foods from all regions of the world. Moreover, the ambiance of Graze was very nice. It feels more like an upscale restaurant rather that a buffet. Highly recommend this hotel for your next trip to Colombo.

  • Anuradha Piyadasa

    Anuradha Piyadasa


    This one of the finest hotel situated in the commercial area of Colombo city. This is a very good hotel for business travelers. Their executive lounge is one of the best in the town. The staff is very friendly and it provides everything you want to work. The front office staff was very friendly and helpful.

  • Ruchira Karunarathne

    Ruchira Karunarathne


    Birthday Celebrations ..... We came in here many times we love Colombo Hilton .nice and beautiful ambiance hotel . We had a great time at there restaurant GRAZE the variety of food is so welcoming we love there spread so much to choose from we enjoyed our special day in a special place we want to thank Zainab and the Guest Relation team for organizing my birthday cake and special room Made my day special keep up the great work! The service was superb! Superb service as always at Colombo Hilton more specifically at Executive Lounge .

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    Yushi Jozuka


    Buffet style breakfast is nice. Internet speed is very fast. Elevator is very fast without any stress to wait. Staff level is not that high as other 5 star hotels out of Sri Lanka. They are not so knowledgeable on any events outside hotel. Lobby is gorgeous and nice.

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