Hotel Thilanka i Kandy

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Sri LankaHotel Thilanka



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Sangamitta Mawatha, Kandy, Kandy, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 814 475 200
internet side:
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Latitude: 7.2913255, Longitude: 80.6457436

kommentar 5

  • abhignna sankaravadivelan

    abhignna sankaravadivelan


    Nice place to stay. As it is a 3star hotel they are giving good service. And you can have a very good view of lake from here and also you can see Buddha statue from here. Calm and peace.

  • Rohan Eapen

    Rohan Eapen


    Great Hotel! Awesome food and friendly staff. One of the best hotels we stayed in SL

  • Vinod Nanduri

    Vinod Nanduri


    A very very awesome hotel with awesome view from the room, very good food for all the tourists from all the places. Personally I enjoyed the dinner over there with my better half a lot. Pleasant environment, humble staff and cleaniness is awesome. I prefer to stay whenever I come to Kandy Srilanka

  • en

    Ruwan Srilal


    Star hotel for those would like to have enjoy Kandy city, Temple of tooth with ample space for leisure, nature & parking. Staffs are friendly & guide you well. Rooms are in good condition even though hotel was build sometime back. For Best viewing, book Royal Pavilion 960 Room.

  • Ismael Bonal

    Ismael Bonal


    Great place with nice rooms, great restaurant by the pool side with a wide variety of food for breakfast and spacious toilets. It's a little expensive and I didn't like the fact that they charged my credit card before check in time. Check out the gem store in the hotel with exquisite gems and for affordable prices.

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