Jaffna Hindu College i Jaffna

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Sri LankaJaffna Hindu College


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Jaffna, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 212 222 431
internet side: www.jhc.lk
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Latitude: 9.6785159, Longitude: 80.0123378

kommentar 5




    It's a greatest school in jaffna and one of the government school. Most of the intelligent students are studying here and it has many clubs and many facilities. You can also have a great teaching here




    This is famous school in jaffna.

  • Aphiram Aravinthan

    Aphiram Aravinthan


    Leading Tamil school In Jaffna. Pride of the Northern province. Jaffna Hindu College also has a historical background.From 1890 This school remained as the best school for education and sports.There are many reasons for the success but principals of the schools are the main part for their success.since 1890 to now They maintain their standards in all fields of curriculum.Jaffna Hindu college gives an outstanding output of students with well education and sports. Most of the students are part take in extracurricular activities and also shine in national and international levels. The teachers are well educated and experienced .Students of Jaffna Hindu college are selected from the scholarship exams and those who got more marks in that exam are selected. like all schools it has all the infrastructure facilities and it is more helpful to the student's.well equipped science lab ,ground,labs, computer labs, libraries etc.

  • Sivakosaran MuthusamySarma

    Sivakosaran MuthusamySarma


    யாழ்ப்பாணத்தின் மிகச்சிறந்த ஆண்கள் உயர்தரப் பாடசாலை. Considered as the best boys school in Jaffna district. It's a national school. Only the students who pass the Grade 5 scholarship exam are admitted to this school in Grade 6.

  • Dilax Sas

    Dilax Sas


    Dandanakkaa done school Best in jafffna Maths and bio is the most like subject Nearly 15 9A and also 20 3A students every day Most of the times island rank will be hhere Cricket is the main sport... Football basketball also here Best athlete are here Many weight lifters are here Jaffnas most national gold medels for weight lifting here Bigmatch with komuvil hindu college School amthem is very good I like this school Super Good Nice VERY NICE Mishhanth Sanmu Sumi Good students....

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