Jeero's Guest House i Negombo

Sri LankaJeero's Guest House


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Lewis Place, Negombo, Gampaha, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 312 234 210
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Latitude: 7.2290312, Longitude: 79.8405862

kommentar 5

  • de

    Peter Tarasiewicz


    Kein direkter Zugang zum Strand, freundlich hilfsbereite Leute, okay

  • Harshana Fernando

    Harshana Fernando


    Love it!!

  • en

    Robbie Young


  • Kihwan Baek

    Kihwan Baek


    When we have arrived in the room after check in. My wife felt horror. Room is very dark and dirty. Balcony view is so scared. There is deserted house in front of balcony. It looks like watching horror movie. And How many moskito in the room. There are a lot of holes in the room that go outside. Even we stay for 3hour, I have so many Moskito Mark. My wife dosn't want to stay. But the house owner want to take 2,000LKR more money. (We already paid 1,000LKR for deposit) So We gave her 3,000LKR for 1night room charge. We Have Stayed ONLY 3hour. Anyway, Don't go this hotel. You can get a lot of Moskito Mark. If you have wife and children, they might feel horror.

  • en

    Manuel Román


    Place ok, they have a very expensive restaurant, i got a double room for 2000 but i think you can negotiate a get at least 1500. Rooms are nice but bathroom like average in SL.. Hope to help!

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