Kandy Railway Station i Kandy

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Sri LankaKandy Railway Station


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William Gopallawa Mawatha, Kandy, Kandy, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
internet side: www.railway.gov.lk
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Latitude: 7.289554, Longitude: 80.6323672

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nick Collins


    The station is clean and well maintained with plenty of seats. Bathrooms usable but deffinetly not a nice experience. There is a few kiosks with drinks, snacks etc.

  • German Chyzhov

    German Chyzhov


    Be aware, that doors in sri lankan trains are open on both sides - you faster find a place, in other case you will travel standing on your legs.

  • Gunith Niranga Gamalath

    Gunith Niranga Gamalath


    Somewhat like a maradana station, but improved than it. Have parking space outside. Staff is quicker than other stations. In and out is well organized

  • Kasun Madhusanka Senevirathne

    Kasun Madhusanka Senevirathne


    One of the must visit place in Kandy situated within the city. Very nice place. Clean and Well maintained. Some are use this place to rest as this place is not crowded at all. But toilets are kept very bad and smelly. No enough parking.

  • en

    devinda bandara


    This a place very nice and highly maintained. Usually not that busy and also not modernized at all. Restrooms and not good or pleasant at all. Furthermore it is very close to Kandy city just a 500m walk plus it is located near the main bus stand making it very convenient. Also notice the parking is very limited so that is a downside too.

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