Kingsley Cinema i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaKingsley Cinema


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Masangaswediya, Colombo 01300, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 421 764
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Latitude: 6.9432284, Longitude: 79.8634285

kommentar 5

  • shahan faeez

    shahan faeez


    Not clean and screen is bad

  • Sarath Wickramasinghe

    Sarath Wickramasinghe


    One of the oldest cinemas in the city.

  • Chill yaas

    Chill yaas


    Cheap and good, have to replace chair & fan

  • Srikanth Santhanam pilla

    Srikanth Santhanam pilla


    This one of the old cinema theatre in Colombo with parking facilities. But they failed to impress customer's recently with upcoming technologies. And sound quality is very poor. Snacks bar is very dirty.

  • en

    Harini Sharan


    It is good for what they are charging, but there are some issues like, 1. If someone opens the door while movie running there's no one for closing it and it will irritates you until the movie ends. 2. The canteen is exist near the toilet and they charging for the snacks like they are the savoy owners. 3. And finally there is a cat living around for ages and no one cares about it and it have the rights to sit on anyone's lap and watch the movie.. meow...

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